Answers to Your Dispatch Questions

Explore our FAQ section to find answers to common inquiries about our dispatch services and how we can streamline your logistical processes.

We Love Making Things Clear!

Frequently Asked Questions
Will C.D.G. really help my trucking business?

Choosing the right dispatcher can mean the difference between success and failure. Once you find a dispatch service that works for your business, you can focus on keeping your trucks moving. Our dispatcher services can help drivers become independent owner-operators in no time!

How much do you make per load?

Our dispatchers' commissions will depend on how much work they do for each load and how many responsibilities you assign to us. But we will usually ask for 5–10% of each load, and we only do it AFTER you get paid.

Can I trust you to find me new loads?

We can search more than 68,000 lanes with our load boards to find real-time freight listings. We also have access to things like the most accurate average rate data, broker credit scores, reviews from other carrier services, triangular routing suggestions to increase the rate per mile, and more.

How long do we have to be partners?

Colorado Dispatch Group only works in the best interest of motor drivers, if at any time you feel like you don't need us anymore, you can walk away freely. We don't require a minimum in our partnerships with drivers.  

What happens if I opt not to accept the offered load of goods?

We understand that you may not like every load that we offer you, and if a load does not meet your requirements, we will continue to look for a load that does.

Do I have to complete any broker-created packages for brokers with whom I have never done business?

No need. We will be happy to fill all of the packages for you.

What do you need from me in order to start working?

We only require a copy of your proof of insurance, your W-9, and your MC authority paper. That's all!

What's the process of booking a load?

Our agents will contact you and/or your drivers to determine their location and ETA. Once we know where you are and where you're heading, we'll reload. Our representatives will gather information and negotiate rates once a qualified load is found. Every load will be approved by you, so don't worry. If you accept the load offer, we'll complete packets, seek insurance certificates, and submit documentation to the broker. Once complete, we'll sign the rate confirmation, provide you or your driver a copy, and dispatch you.